- This was between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. represented by President Carer and General Secretary Brezhnev.
- This occur d on June 18, 1979 in Vienna, Austria
- This was the second meeting of the Active negotiations on Strategic offensive arms, due to interim Agreement.
- The Primary Goal was to replace the Interim Agreement with a long term comprehensive Treaty providing broad limits on strategic offensive weapon systems.
- As well as to provide equal number of strategic nuclear delivery vehicles for each side.
- To start the precess in which to reduce these vehicles.
- And to put more restraints on qualitative developments which could threaten a future stability.
- The S.A.L.T. 2 agreement was signed and President Carter sent it to the Senate on June 22 for its advice and consent to ratification.
- The agreement was in three parts:
- a treaty on which would be infoced through 1985 based on the Vladivostok accord.
- A protocol of about three year duration which would cover cerrtain issues such as cruise missle and constraitns, mobile ICBM's, while deferring further negiotitations on those issues to S.A.L.T. 3.
- This overal was a jouint statment of priniciples on which would be an agreeed set of guidelines for future generaltions.