Prague Treaty

  • Federal Republic of Germany and Czechoslovak Social Republic.
  • Prague, Czechoslovakia on December 11, 1973
  • F.R.G. and Czechoslovakia sign a treaty in which the two states recognise each other diplomatically.
  • As well declare the 1938 Munich Agreements Null and Void by realizing the inviolability of their common borders and to abandon all territory claims.
  • A realization that a better future and be a possibility if they can work together to create and develop better mutual relations.
  • The treaty itself assures that no new territory claims will be stated or ever made.
  • Promised to deal with issues diplomatically and peacefully to refrain from use of force that could compromise international security, in mutual relations.
  • It relieved tension with a treaty with the Warsaw Pact and relations between democratic Germany and Socialist Czechoslovakia.
  • This aimed to strengthen peace and secutiry in Europe.
  • Everyone is conviced that peaceful co-opertaion on the basis of the purposes and princliples of the United Nations Charter complies with the wishes of nations and the intersts of peace.