- Negotiations between both super powers, Nixon and the General Secretary Brezhnev.
- Opened in Vienna, and occurred in both Vienna and Helsinki on May 26, 1972
- This was first of two SALT negotiations ended with the signing of ABM Treaty and Interim Agreement on strategic offenseive arms in Moscow.
- A talk over limits on important armaments known as the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks or Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty.
- Interim Agreement, which was the five year duration to "freeze" the amount of Strategic Ballistic Missiles at 1972's time.
- Construction of additional land-based ICBM silos were prohibited, as SLBM launchers can be made under specific directions.
- These could be used to slow a competititon in defence systems that could become a problem.
- Both Treaties include provisions that are important to stenghten assurance against violations.
- Both Courntires agree not to use deliberate concealment measures to impede verification.
- The Soviets said if NATO increased the number of Subs, they would do the same and the US didnt agree to this provision.
- The ABM Treaty was of Unlimited Duration, but anyone has the rigyht to withdrawl with a 6 month notice.